Todays topic about hair care routine...I am gonna tell you about how to maintain your hair step by step. So... Let's get started...
Step 1 is oiling. Oiling is the most important step for your hair care routine. What you have to do is take some coconut oil then add some tea tree oil into it. Then apply on your hair with help of your hands. Take this oil mixture on your palm then rub it gently to make oil warm and then massage it on your scalp for at least 5 minutes. You must apply the rest oil on your hair length. Then make hair braid or hair bun and leave it for over night.
Step 2 is shampoo. Many people don't know the correct way to doing shampoo on their hair. You have to take some shampoo on your bath mug then add some quantity of water. Then apply on your wet hair.. gently massage on it for 2 minutes and then wash your hair with cool or lukewarm water.
Step 3 is applying conditioner on your hair length. Leave it for 2 minutes only. Make sure not more than 2 minutes. Then wash your hair with normal water. When you want to apply hair mask on your hair then that time do not use hair conditioner on your hair. You have to apply hair mask after you've done shampoo on your hair. For hair mask you can use yogurt hair mask. Yogurt is the best ingredient to solve all type of hair problem for all hair types. It makes nourish your gives great shine on it.. reduce dandruff.. and many more.
How to make hair mask:
Take some yogurt(according to your hair length) in a small bowl. Then add few drops of lemon. Then apply on your hair then leave it for 10-15 minutes after that wash your hair with normal water.
You can add Honey and Banana into this hair mask (optional).
After that pat dry your wet hair with clean towel then apply hair serum. After applied hair serum don't comb your hair. Let your hair air dry. If you have much time then do not use hair dryer for drying your hair. If you are in hurry and you have no option except using hair dryer then you have to apply heat protecting serum or spray then use hair dryer. After drying your hair you can comb your hair with suitable hair brush or comb.
Tips For Healthy Looking Hair Always:
Do not wash your hair with hot water. Use cool or lukewarm water for hair wash.
Apply heat protecting serum or spray before using hair styling tools like.. Hair dryer, Hair straightener, curler etc..
Avoid to sleep with wet hair at night. Before go to bed you have to dry your hair first.
Trim your hair once in a 2-3 months. It gives a great volume on your hair and make your hair healthier.
Don't use one shampoo all time. you should change your shampoo according to your hair condition. Hair condition often change with weather.
Do not apply hair conditioner on your scalp. You just apply onto your hair length.
I hope this blog post will help you. If you have any question just comment below i will try my best to solve your problem. Let me know what do you want in next post...
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